Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weekly Written Analysis 5-1

The Mini-Cooper is a current popular culture item. The Mini-Cooper was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. The car was considered an icon of the 1960’s. The Mini was designed by Sir Alec Issigonis of the British Motor Corporation. The car was designed in response to the oil crisis in the late 1950’s when the sale of large cars had declined. In 1969, the car was featured in the 1969 film, The Italian Job, which made it a star. The film was remade in 2003 and featured the new Mini.

The Mini was made in different varieties. There was the Mini-Van, the Mini-Pickup, the Mini-K, and the Mini-Countryman. In 1961, the Mini’s name was changed to Mini-Cooper to reflect the collaboration of the British Motor Corporation and the Cooper Car Company. At that time, the car was turned into more of a performance car with the redesign of the engine. By 1977, there were over four million cars sold around the world. However, the United States missed out on the Mini fever because of new emissions standards. In 2001, the Mini brand was purchased by BMW. Before BMW bought the Mini, the car was still popular, but production was very limited. This kept the Mini popular and in demand.

In 2002, the Mimi made its American debut. The new Mini was bigger and better than ever. The Mini is now sold in three different styles, the Mini-Hatchback, the Mini-Convertible, and the Mini-Clubman. The Mini still ranks among the world’s top performance vehicles. Owner’s of the Mini’s love to personalize their cars with the Union Jack symbol and racing stripes. The car is great on gas and has incredible personality. This is a car that one day I will drive!

“ (2009). Retrieved June 17, 2009 from the Mini website found at


  1. I would like to drive this car also. Yes this car must be very popular because it seems like I see one at every traffic light lately. If its good on gas and as stylish as it is I know its popular.The different functions of the car and the mixture also help to make it so popular.

  2. Ever since I saw the Italian Job with Charlize Theoron, I have wanted one of those cars. The sporty body and Europeon flare is why I love it.

  3. The mini cooper is really cool. My brother has owned two of them. He loves the handling and low profile. They look like the driver is sitting on the ground from the outside. Nice article.

    Doug Huff
